Elmoby Ecology is a name for the collaborative team put together by Emma Bennett to provide affordable, high-quality studies into the impacts of wind farms on birds and bats.

Emma Bennett
Principal Ecologist
Emma began as a dog handler in 2005 at Challicum Hills Wind Farm, partnering with Pacific Hydro to navigate a new field of study which was just beginning in Australia. At the same time, Emma was completing a degree in Forest Science and Ecology with the University of Melbourne and began to question the study design, data collection and how impact studies were undertaken. Emma has collaborated internationally to host conferences on wind and wildlife impacts, and co-published the book Wind and Wildlife: Proceedings from the Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts, 2012 Melbourne, Australia. She has also progressed and pushed government policy-makers and wind farm companies to ensure scientifically robust study designs become standard, utilising the most up-to-date knowledge and experiences from studies overseas, and within Australia.
Emma supports and manages projects from conception to completion, offering technical and expert advice to a range of consultants and wind farm companies. Emma is responsible for the collaboration of teams who work under the banner of Elmoby Ecology, which includes specialist dog handlers, Candidae Development, and Skylos Ecology, and data analysis specialist Symbolix. In addition, Emma also works with a number of ecological consultants (e.g. Biosis) to provide specialist support and expertise.

"Elmo" (R.I.P.)
Survey Team Leader
Elmo was Emma's first dog and inspired the first half to the business name 'Elmoby'. Elmo began work at 18 months of age at Challicum Hills and worked until her retirement at age 8, surveying 1000s of hectares of land for birds and bats.

"Moby" (R.I.P)
Support Officer
Moby inspired the second half of the 'Elmoby', and is the reason Emma and Elmo got into dog training. Born deaf, Moby relied on Elmo for his safety, recall and support.