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About Us

Collaboration - Expertise - Results

Meet The Team

The dogs behind the name - Elmo and Moby

When my new puppy Elmo had been living with us for a few months, a very upset breeder of dalmations turned up to our puppy school hoping to find a home for a well bred, and completely deaf puppy that had turned up in her bloodlines. Moby came home with us the following week. Being deaf, we continued dog training, teaching Elmo to be his ears. Living on a sheep farm, we had to make sure that Moby would come back to us when we called, even though he didn't know we were calling. When commanded to "Get Moby" Elmo would race a head of him, circling in front so he could see and turn him around so he could see us madly waving for his return.  Elmo was so good we were able to walk Moby off lead and give him the life he deserved. 

Of course, all this dog training didn't go to waste. Elmo, having to attend training sessions with her brother twice a week, quickly needed new lessons to keep her engaged.  When the dog school was approached by Pacific Hydro to find out if they had any detection dogs that could find dead birds and bats, Elmo was quickly trained to the task. After an initial trial comparing Elmo's ability to find dead birds with that of human surveyors at the new Challicum Hills Wind Farm, Elmo and Emma were employed for monthly surveys for the next three years. On that first day we were asked to get an ABN and think of a business name. Elmoby Ecology was founded. Our logo is the silhouette of Elmo sitting atop a log at Challicum Hills Wind Farm.  Elmo passed away in 2015 and Moby in 2016 but they will forever live on in name and spirit.

Elmoby Ecology prides itself on its ability to bring organisations together to strive for better environmental outcomes.  Delivering the best outcome is about collaboration, sharing and exchanging knowledge, and implementing best practice procedures.  Together, we can do it better!

© 2024 Elmoby Ecology

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